ReNewy Living is looking to partner with like-minded, values-aligned brands and businesses with a Newcastle-region presence. We’d like to showcase the diversity of environmentally-friendly and -aware brands, products and services that Newcastle has to offer. And we’d like our sustainably-minded audience to connect with your business.

There are two ways for us to work together:

Podcast Sponsorship

By supporting The ReNewy Living Podcast you’re helping us share sustainability stories of our region.

A partnership wth The Renewy Living Podcast gives your business coverage to our engaged sustainable lifestyle community across both digital and audio media.

If you’re interested in sponsoring The ReNewy Living Podcast for Series 2 and beyond, please get in touch with Mardi here or email directly to and we’ll email you our Podcast Sponsorship Guide outlining the benefits and details.

Other Collaborations, Partnerships & Sponsorships Guide

Want to see how you can become one of our valued collaborators, partners or sponsors? We’d love to work with you, keeping these important elements in mind. 

Sponsorship Guidelines

Before we chat about teaming up together, let’s make sure our values and purpose are the right fit for each other. I encourage my listeners and readers to approach everything mindfully, thinking about what’s truly needed in their lifestyles.

The same goes for our partnership – it’s about being authentic and sharing values we both know are important for people and planet. Read about ReNewy Living’s values and approach to sustainability here..

What I Value in a Partnership

Collaboration with Flowering Cosmos

Here’s what I look for in a business or brand to build a strong partnership. The more values we share, the better our collaboration can be:

  • A presence or connection to the Newcastle area – whether that’s a showroom, a local stockist, a branch, or the ability to service the region
  • Social enterprise, B-corp, business or organisation that shares a commitment to the health and wellbeing of people and planet
  • Australian-owned or Australian made
  • Transparency on materials, manufacturing, and end-of-life for products, supporting circular economy principles.
  • Fair treatment and fair wages for everyone involved in your product or service, especially if produced offshore.
  • Thoughtful management of samples, unsellable items, and excess stock.

I like to keep things genuine, so it’s important for me to truly believe that your product or service is a good fit for my readers and listeners.

Examples of Ideal Partner Brands

Examples of great-fit products, brands or businesses types may include:

  • Home renovation and trade businesses: People make big decisions here, and sustainable choices make a difference.
  • Utility companies supporting renewable energy, potable water and clean sewer solutions
  • Car and bicycle brands encouraging sustainable or active transportation
  • Footwear brands using natural materials such as leather and wool to create durable and comfortable shoes. 
  • Clothing brands that choose preloved, fabric upcycling or have a robust brand lifecycle
  • Books that inspire action and positive change
  • Food and beverage brands that prioritise locally grown, and have sustainable goals for reducing food waste 
  • Experience-based businesses with a sustainable focus, like eco-retreats, walking, tours, or cycling adventures, accomodation.
  • Camping and outdoor brands
  • And any other unique brands, businesses or products that align with ReNewy Living’s values.

What does a Collaboration, Partnership or Sponsorship Look Like?

Collaboration with 17 Flowers

Collaborations, partnerships or sponsorships can take many forms—financial support, product or service sponsorship, authentic blog posts, email newsletters, social media features, or experience-based reviews. I’m open to all suggestions.

Let’s have a chat! Send me an email first to or contact me here…

Stories, News & Voices

Sharing stories that strengthen our commitment to nature, community, and a healthier planet.

The Best Homemade Playdough Recipe that Works

  Step into every early childhood service, and you’ll always see a table dedicated to playdough. A staple creative play [...]

Why Local Businesses Love Being a Local Business

In the after-hours cosiness of Estabar – opposite Newcastle beach – a small bunch of our community listened to an [...]

Bateau Bay Op Shop Guide

Bateau Bay is known for its picturesque, unpatrolled swimming beach located within the Wyrrabalong National Park. Relax and connect with [...]

Dean and Honey Love Hot Composting

This is a guest post article, written by local permaculture advocates Dean and Honey from Dean and Honey’s Permaculture Events, [...]

Books to Motivate You to Start Living a Plastic Free Lifestyle

Just thinking about going plastic-free can be overwhelming. But the more we know, the more confidently we can take action [...]

Bring Your Own Sustainable Habits to Your Overseas Family Holidays – Part 1

If we could predict how our ingrained daily sustainable habits would work in another country, travelling would be a breeze. [...]

Less Plastic Toys for More Sustainable Play

This article is a summary only of the podcast conversation “9. Less Plastic Toys for More Sustainable Play”. Listen to [...]

Shop Local. Support Local. Buy Local

Shop Local. Support Local. Buy Local. These simple sentences have had greater prominence in our lingo over the last couple [...]

Embrace Curly Hair for a Good Hair Day Every Day

For too long, I’ve been seeking a positive curly hair experience. So it was an absolute revelation when I discovered [...]

Positive & Genuine Truths about Living Sustainably

Expensive. Organic, fair trade, ethical, reusable. Vegan. Words that conjure up what sustainable living doesn’t have to be. So rather [...]

My Low Tox Journey

Back in 2017, right at the beginning, ReNewy Living was previously called French for Tuesday. After six months of honing [...]

Using Discarded Waste as the Alternative Blank Canvas

Rubbish, waste, debris, litter, leftovers. All waste comes with a synonym of names. If you saw waste as a resource [...]

Socks are Miscellaneous Textile Waste

Instigated by an inbox message, I discovered that socks are miscellaneous textile waste that add to the little book of [...]

What Makes a Beauty Salon Sustainable?

This article is a summary only of the podcast conversation “What Makes a Beauty Salon Sustainable? (Ep 5)”. Listen here [...]

Creative Repurposing with Blankets and Jumpers

Have you ever wondered what to do with the old fashioned wool blankets or the used woollen jumper that’s beyond [...]

Bring Your Own Sustainable Habits to Your Overseas Family Holidays – Part 3

If we could predict how our ingrained daily sustainable habits would work in another country, travelling would be a breeze. [...]

Creativity is at the Heart of Sustainable Living

Tapping into our creative streak helps us cope with stress (aka develop resilience), appreciate beauty and approach life with a [...]

I Made this Practical & Affordable Reusable Shopping Bag

The geometric design on this dark blue t-shirt captured my attention on my opshop travels. It was the perfect t-shirt [...]

Circular Economy from a Localised Perspective

This article is a summary only of the podcast conversation “6. Circular Economy from a Localised Perspective”. Listen here to [...]

Thumbs Up for FOGO Recycling our Food Waste

I’ve always wanted to do the right thing for recycling our food waste. However, we were repeatedly unsuccessful at home [...]


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