Going Low Tox was Linda’s Moment of Truth

Going Low Tox was Linda’s Moment of Truth

I would love you to meet Linda… I met Linda through our early childhood services connections and discovered we shared a very similar understanding about what it means to live a low tox life.

For Linda, going low tox was her moment of truth, particularly when she started a family. Being mindful, making her own DIY products, reusing, reducing and incorporating the low tox life elements are a strong feature of Linda’s ongoing low tox journey.

Told with authenticity and honesty, this is her story.

Links in this blogpost are my partnership recommendations to you. I may receive a commission when you click through and purchase.

Low Tox Inspiration

I’ve always been interested in health and wellbeing, but it wasn’t until I started a family that I became a woman on a mission!

I was driven by my desire to create a ‘clean’ environment that I felt was safe for my daughters. Beginning with clean eating (avoiding processed foods), I quickly discovered that going low tox is much bigger than what we put into our bodies.

I recall reading that it takes just 26 seconds for the chemicals in our personal care products to enter the blood stream. That was it for me. My moment of truth. The low tox adventure began…

Low Tox Surprises

Going low tox was easier than I thought it would be. While the volume of harmful products on offer is overwhelming, there are so many companies offering beautiful low tox alternatives. And the quality is just as good. Actually it’s usually better, but that makes sense when you think about the ingredients. Online shops like The Well Store are ideal for toxin free makeup and skin care products. 

There are also a surprising amount of easy DIY recipes online, such as this collection from Low Tox Life, especially for cleaning products.

A really positive thing I’ve noticed since going low tox is how much more in-tune I am with my body. I really notice strong perfumes, aftershaves, and cleaning fragrances – they make me dizzy, so I realise now how toxic they are!

Low Impact Means…

Low impact to me is about choosing food, products and a lifestyle that support and nurture our bodies and the environment. Without a clean environment we cannot achieve good health. Both support each other.

Going low tox is a powerful way to tread lightly on the earth and communicates loudly to big businesses that we don’t support the use of harmful chemicals or practises that destroy our environment. If we don’t buy their products they won’t be in business long. Powerful right?!

The Easiest Change

Being mindful of household waste is where I started. For example, I set myself the goal of not using glad wrap. Instead, I invested in a few glass ovenproof dishes with lids, such as Pyrex and Glasslock. They are available online or you could get some from your closest op shop.

Going low tox can be expensive but it doesn’t need to be. Over time I’ve saved glass jars – particularly vegemite jars and Moccona coffee jars and I store all my flours/seeds/nuts/grains (which I buy in bulk) in these.

I’ve also found some simple DIY recipes for cleaning. If you have bicarb soda and vinegar in your pantry you’re set!

While plastic food containers are not good for our health, there’s no point getting rid of them. Every bit of plastic ever made still exists somewhere.

And besides, plastic containers are far more practical for kid’s school bags. So, get yourself a roll of ‘If You Care’ parchment baking paper and cut a small piece to fit your plastic container when you need to store food. You can also do this when freezing food in plastic. Plastic leaches the most chemicals when significantly heated or cooled, so lining plastic with this baking paper will stop the transfer of chemicals to food. If it’s not too dirty, you can even wipe the paper down and pop it into your paper recycling!

The most powerful change for me started with being mindful. I thought about how I could re-use what I already had, and reduce my family’s household waste. Using common household items like bicarb soda and vinegar for cleaning means I purchase fewer (if any) bottles of cleaning products. Re-using old rags or sponges cuts down on paper towel, and so on.

My Brilliant Low Tox Strength

I like to find good DIY recipes that are simple and save money. My favourite is a liquid soap recipe I found in Alexx Stuart’s book ‘Low Tox Life’ (a must-have by the way). Chances are you’ll already have two out of the three ingredients which include Dr Bronner’s pure Castile liquid soap, water and olive oil.

Dr Bronner’s pure castile liquid soap is concentrated so it’s very economical. You can use it for so many different purposes and it’s readily available. My bottle lasts about a year.

Buying foods like flour, grains, nuts and dried fruits in bulk reduces packaging and saves me money. I decant these into large glass jars and store most of the nuts and flours in the freezer to extend their shelf life.

Plastic is My Biggest Challenge

The biggest challenge for me is reducing the amount of fruit and vegetables I purchase in plastic. I detest buying fresh produce in plastic and I see little point to it. Cucumbers don’t need to be singularly wrapped. Herbs don’t need to sit in plastic bags. And stone fruits certainly don’t need to come in plastic containers!

It’s frustrating to see the amount of marketing supermarkets have done around plastic bag reduction when all the produce is still excessively wrapped. Where I can, I avoid plastic wrapped produce, and when I have time, I shop at farmers markets.

But let’s be honest, it’s difficult to find and shop at more environmentally aware produce stores when you have a family and time is limited. This is something I’m working on.

Here are My Top Tips

  • Go slowly and gracefully. A gradual process ensures you’ll succeed. The prospect of going low tox can be daunting, especially when you first discover the long list of toxic chemicals in our seemingly harmless everyday items. So be good to yourself and have fun with the process.
  • Pinterest is a great source of DIY recipe inspiration. And if you’re time poor, head to Biome  or The Well Store to explore some low tox alternatives.
  • Get savvy on the nasty chemicals often used in products so you can easily avoid products that contain them. Alexx Stuart’s book ‘Low Tox Life’ is a good source of information.
  • Definitely try the liquid soap recipe, also found in Low Tox Life. You can wash and re-use your pump bottles.
  • Discover the myriad uses of bicarb soda and vinegar
  • If you want to take it up a notch, explore essential oils – they can be used for health, cleaning, and so many other wonderful things.

My Plans to Come…

My next goal is to find a good food co-op and support local producers. I’d also like to grow my own veggies.

Longer term, I would love to form a group of like-minded low-toxers to share ideas and inspiration with.

There’s always something more I can do and the low tox journey is a rewarding one.


Thanks Linda for sharing your story. It’s reassuring to read how just one little thing started your low impact journey!

Links in this blogpost are my partnership recommendations to you. I may receive a commission when you click through and purchase.

Discover More…

  • Listen to the Low Tox Life podcast for a great source of inspiration about low tox living. A new episode comes out each week.
  • Australian online shops such as Biome and The Well Store are ideal for purchasing low tox products.
  • Australian business The Low Tox Project is filled with resources, products and services to help you feel ready for change

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