Welcome to ReNewy living’s social enterprise online eco store Australia! Find out how ReNewy Living donates 50% of the profits to environmental initiatives and supports your sustainable living…

Discover each department – Clothes & Accessories, Fibre & Textile Crafts, Books & Stationery, Toys & Play, Christmas, Linen & Manchester, Home Decor, Tableware & Servingware, Gardening & Outdoors, and Cleaning & Laundry.

Why Shop with ReNewy Living?

ReNewy Living is an online eco store specialising in a curated selection of quality preloved, creative reuse or new products that genuinely support your sustainable lifestyle. As a social enterprise, 50% of the profits from the online shop go towards ReNewy Living’s Newcastle-region environmental initiatives and workshops.

All items in the online shop have a story to share, whether that be the one you imagine its journey or one where I share the known provenance or history of the piece. Grab a glimpse into why the piece is of value, the known era narrative, and ideas for how the item can shine with contemporary style and love in your home!

My online eco store values and respects the diversity of sustainable living by:

    • Appreciating the quality, uniqueness and longevity of second hand. Shopping second hand recognises the value of resources already used and authenticates the products’ life span.
    • Valuing the breadth of reusing and upcycling with a range of creative resource supplies
    • Choosing new items that give a progressive and real solution to sustainability, such as being handmade, locally sourced or made, and made from natural fibres/ materials

When shopping with ReNewy Living, you’re supporting an independently owned small Australian business. A business that is truly committed to the strength of community and everyday sustainability.

$10 FLAT RATE POSTAGE for most of the Newcastle Region – enter your postcode at the checkout to discover if you can receive this special.

Stories, News & Voices

Sharing stories that strengthen our commitment to nature, community, and a healthier planet.

Spark Imaginative Play by Choosing Alternatives to Single-Idea Plastic Toys

Photo Credit: Uniting Preschool Caves Beach This guest post story is written by Michelle Ryan from Uniting Preschool Caves Beach [...]

Why Fair Trade Matters

This article is a summary only of the podcast conversation “Why Fair Trade Matters”. Listen to the full episode on [...]

How Our Local Crop Swap Helps Backyard Gardeners

Do you have an abundance of asparagus? A plethora of parsley? Loads of lemons or excess eggplant? This guest post [...]

Creativity is at the Heart of Sustainable Living

Tapping into our creative streak helps us cope with stress (aka develop resilience), appreciate beauty and approach life with a [...]

Myall Lakes: My Photo Story

Myall Lakes National Park is one of our frequently visited outdoor and adventure holiday spots. My photo series captures a [...]

I Made this Practical & Affordable Reusable Shopping Bag

The geometric design on this dark blue t-shirt captured my attention on my opshop travels. It was the perfect t-shirt [...]

Surplus Pear Syrup Jelly

Thanks to my sister for introducing me to this delicious surplus pear syrup jelly. I love making and enjoying tried [...]

Starting a Simplified Co-op with Free Range Eggs

The more I knuckle down into living a more sustainable, low impact life the more I realise how large corporations [...]

Go Outside and Enjoy the Fresh Air

Taking time to go outside and enjoy the fresh air is so valuable to our wellbeing and connection to place. [...]

Flipping the Concept of Supermarket Shopping

This article is a summary only of the podcast conversation “15. Flipping the Concept of Supermarket Shopping” Listen to the full [...]

Slow Skin Co. – All Natural Skin Care

Photo Credit: Keira Mason Photography Slow Skin Co. specialises in low tox beauty & skin care and is the forerunner [...]

The Library of Things: Reducing Waste Through Sharing

This article is a summary only of the podcast conversation “Ep 3: The Library of Things Reducing Waste Through Sharing” [...]

My Low Tox Journey

Back in 2017, right at the beginning, ReNewy Living was previously called French for Tuesday. After six months of honing [...]

What Makes a Beauty Salon Sustainable?

This article is a summary only of the podcast conversation “What Makes a Beauty Salon Sustainable? (Ep 5)”. Listen here [...]

Why I Created these Handmade Unique Christmas Bon Bons

Christmas Day for us is about sharing a baked meal with family and friends. Before we tuck into this delicious [...]

Circular Economy from a Localised Perspective

This article is a summary only of the podcast conversation “6. Circular Economy from a Localised Perspective”. Listen here to [...]

A Local Tiny Forest with Big Benefits

This article is a summary of the podcast conversation A Local Tiny Forest with Big Benefits featuring Anna Noon of [...]

Discover People’s Eco-Strengths in our Community

This series of short stories and videos come from everyday people in our community. Each story gently encourages you to [...]

Microplastics are a Gigaproblem

Plastic doesn’t go away nor biodegrade. It just breaks up into irretrievable microscopic, teeny tiny pieces that pollute our water, [...]

6 Ways to Create a New Normal for Grocery Shopping

It’s early 2020, and the global pandemic COVID-19 virus has shaken up our everyday living. One of the most significant [...]


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